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Do you have a home to sell before you buy? We can help with that, too. Garden City Realty can assist home buyers and sellers anywhere in the world.

With our market penetration along the Grand Strand and international affiliations with Leading Real Estate Companies of the World®, Garden City Realty offers buyers and sellers outstanding leadership, know-how, and services to make our clients’ experiences more satisfying.

Garden City Realty provides sellers maximum market exposure via a worldwide audience while offering buyers the best selection of homes from Little River to Georgetown. Year after year, our team of award-winning real estate specialists and accredited buyer representatives has fashioned a track record of proven success, keeping Garden City Realty on top of the real estate market since 1973.

Search our listings or all of MLS, or call us toll-free at 843-652-2555 to speak with an agent.

Real Estate Sales
Leading Real Estate Companies of the World
Lee Hewitt

Broker-In-Charge of Sales, Garden City Realty, Inc.

Our sales associates get results because of their unmatched professionalism. They work diligently to ensure our clients' needs are met and are on top of their markets. They work as a team sharing ideas and information, and they support each other. Our sales associates are the best of the best and get results for you - our clients."

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